Thursday, July 14, 2011

Miss Central Massachusetts USA

Early in June I was asked to be a host and representative at the Miss Central Massachusetts Pageant as a prelim to the Miss Mass USA pageant.  I accepted, and helped create a great pageant show for Worcester,MA early in July.  Me, Alida- Miss Mass USA 2010, and the reigning Central Mass hosted this event of 25 girls competing for different titles: Little Miss Central Mass, Miss Teen Central Mass, and Miss Central Mass.  These girls competed in interview, opening number/intro, swimwear, and evening wear.  It was a great competition.  I had the opportunity to talk about my platform at the pageant and crown the Teen winner, which opened up a lot of opportunities for me here in my own community.  I was very honored to be apart of the pageant and represent my community, state, and pageant system proud.

Miss Massachusetts America Pageant

      The Miss Massachusetts pageant was held in Worcester,MA at the Hanover Theater as a prelim for the next Miss America Pageant.  I was a guest at this wonderful pageant. They had about 18 girls compete this year for the crown.  Lauren was giving up her title after a magnificant year.  The auditorium began to fill as the pageant began to start.  The show was truely remarkable and well put together. Many other visiting queens were there as well as MISS AMERICA 1948!!!! I was so honored to meet her.  The winner, Molly Whalen, has a great year ahead of her and I wish her all the luck.

Miss Latina Pageant

Recently I was a guest at the Miss Latina pageant for Worcester county.  Although most of it was in a language I did not understand, it was a great cultural experience.  Most of the girls were first time competitors and everyone was so excited to be there. It was a great show.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Walk For Homeless

Today I ventured out in the rain in my home town, Worcester MA, to participate in the Walk for the Homeless.  It was a great experience and spite the heavy rainfall many people gathered for a great cause.  I invited Miss Teen Rhode Island International, Stephanie to walk with me and together we power walked 3 great miles.  It was a great experience and even more special being located right in Worcester!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Ready!

Everything is coming up so fast! All my paperwork is due this coming week and soon I will be in Chicago! It has been an amazing year so far and I can't wait to continue! So much to do... SO LITTLE TIME! No time to procrastinate now!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Here are some pictures of me during my regin!

Taunton Christmas Parade 2010 with Jane Marshall Mrs. Massachusetts 2010



Saturday, March 12, 2011

Special Olympics "Olympic Town" Night!

Tonight was such an amazing night.  I had the opportunity to be apart of the Special Olympic "Olympic Town" night for the winter games at Mechanics Hall in my home town Worcester, MA.  I got to meet some incredible people.  I also got to make the nights of many athletes that were truly excited for this event.  Their spirit warmed my heart and I was so blessed to be apart of a wonderful, life changing experience.  You can never get tired of  "can i take a picture with you?" and "can i have autograph?" It was a night to remember.

           I would like to thank the hosts of the Special Olympic Night and also Jane Marshall- Mrs. MA international, Mary Hays- Miss MA international, and Tamara Sacharcyzk- Miss Teen MA world for attending this event with me and making the night even more remarkable.


         Tonight I got to make a difference in peoples lives and I hope their are more experiences like this to come. Today i learned that everyone can DREAM BIG and achieve their goals... these athletes taught me that tonight.

Love Always <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Susan G. Komen 3-day for a Cure

Today I received more information about being a volunteer at the 3-day breast cancer walk in Boston, MA this summer! I am very excited to be apart of this organization, especially because it gives me more background to promote my platform (Cancer Research and Awareness).  We all know someone who has or has been affected by Cancer and us alone can make a difference.